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Now We Are Three

18th November 2018 saw us celebrate our 3rd birthday.

Since we opened in 2015, we have added over 1500 borrowers and,thanks to generous donations from the community, over 4000 books.

We have been fortunate enough to have expanded the building and can accommodate more activities and we are pleased to say that we have a real mix of classes attracting both the very young and the not-quite-so-young.

Throughout the three years, however, we have kept in mind our original purpose as expressed by Lynne Smith, Foresight's older persons' services co-ordinator who, speaking just prior to the opening, said: "We are keeping it as a library but hoping it can be used for different activities as well. Lynne said: "My ambition is that we have a place where people can connect and be able to come and make friends and feel there is somewhere for them to go."

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Scartho Community Library

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