Thank You to our Supporters
Scartho Community Hub would like to say a big thank you to all the people who have continued to visit and show their support during the extensive refurbishment works and to say how much we appreciate how our endeavours have been embraced by the local community and beyond.
The first phase of the works, increased activity space, is now complete with full completion expected by the end of April.
When finished the new facilities will provide two activity rooms, a new kitchen and specially adapted toilet and changing facilities.
The refurbishment is in response to demand for space exceeding availability and marks an exciting new chapter in the history of the building. At the centre will be the library, which continues to flourish due to the many donations of books and which now has a membership of nearly 2,000.The library has always been at the heart of the hub and has proved to be the catalyst for initial community engagement and is now the springboard for all the activities which take place.
The numbers are growing for existing activities and the hub has recently welcomed a range of new groups including a sewing club, Weightwatchers, the Celebration Church, baby massage, kurling and many more, In addition we will shortly be offering, on completion of the new kitchen, afternoon tea following requests and huge demand from our vibrant and supportive community membership.
If anyone has ideas for activities they would like to see please get in touch with the Hub. There is funding available to pump prime activities with a view to them becoming sustainable and ideas and suggestions will be carefully considered. Please feel free to visit the Hub at any stage or phone on 07538 460945.

The hub is a great space for people of all ages and Paul Silvester, Chief Executive of Foresight, is pictured in the new activity space with the popular Parents and Toddlers group which runs twice a week.
As soon as the Hub is back to normal we’ll be starting on our next exciting project – the Scartho Village Mural.