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Now We Are 2

Just in case you hadn't noticed, it was our 2nd birthday on Saturday 18th November.

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have supported us over the last two years and to offer the hope that your support will continue, whatever the form that it takes.

We aim to continue to offer a variety of activities, trying to suit all tastes; but don't forget to let us know if there's something that you'd like us to add to our programme.

Our book stock continues to grow (almost 3500 books added since we opened) thanks to the generosity of your donations. These donations are absolutely vital because, as many of you know, we have no funding to purchase new books.

The library itself is growing physically with new extensions being built at the moment. These new spaces will offer more scope for us to improve our tea room and the range of the activities that we offer.

There are exciting times ahead for your library. Enjoy the journey with us!

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Scartho Community Library

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